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Acupuncture is an over 5,000 year old natural Chinese system of healing. Acupuncture is primarily concerned with restoring proper energy flow to the various organs and tissues of the body and correcting the cause that most diseases result from, the malfunction of the bodies nervous system.


The Chinese definition of Health is "All parts of the body functioning normally," all 500 trillion parts. If there is an interruption in the bodies transmission of energy flow (chi in Chinese), then organ begins to malfunction - disease, pain and premature aging are the result.

Where can the interruption of your bodies energy flow occur?

1. In the flow channels of energy, which are located throughout the entire body, just below the skins surface:

2. In the spinal column where misaligned vertebrae will compress vital nerves.

If I wanted to receive acupuncture treatments, how are they performed?

First, the related skin points are determined, then those points are appropriately treated by one of over 30 methods of stimulation-

1. Long needle insertion (popular in surgery acupuncture anesthesia)
2. Short needle 
3. Non-piercing needles
4. Finger tip pressure (shishin)
5. Metallic stimulants taped over the points
6. Electrical stimulation
7. Moxabustion (herbs)

The non-piercing needle (teishin) that we use is very popular because the technique is painless, there is no blood, no danger of infection, and results are equal to, if not better than other techniques.

What are some conditions treated by acupuncture?

There are hundreds of conditions, but typical ailments responding to acupuncture health care include: neuralgias, headaches, spasms, muscular problems, neuralgia of the shoulders and arm, tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, stomach problems, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, certain types of heart trouble, abnormal blood pressure, hemorrhoids, lumbago (lower back pain), bladder problems, bed wetting, certain kidney problems, female disorders, impotence, weak eyesight, loss of smell, tonsillitis, loss of hearing, skin conditions, and nervous or psychiatric disorders due to the fact that very often mental problems can arise from physical disorders.

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